NEIGHHHHDoes Horse shampoo make your hair longer and is it good for your hair?
Unfortunately, nothing makes your hair longer except time. But horse shampoo can be good in your rotation to ';surprise'; you hair and cut down on buildup. Just don't use it every wash.Does Horse shampoo make your hair longer and is it good for your hair?
Nettle shampoo from the body shop is excellent for thickening your hair and giving it strength. Kelp tablets from a health food shop aids hair growth- i have used them in the past- but too many can upset tum!
it tends to make it stronger and grow a lil faster...tried it before
Are you talking about mane and tail
well its just normal shampoo. and it is perfectly safe for your hair i've used that shampoo on many occasions and it works pretty well it makes your hair soft!
Ever seen a Bald Horse ? Mr.Ed didn't have any problems.
Can you buy it in Tesco?
no and no again
if u want longer hair get extentions or wait for it to grow. the shampoo is made for horses not humans.
The only time I've ever used horse shampoo is when I worked with this horrible old Percheron named Buck. He was a long-backed, rotten-tempered carriage driving horse who had a knack for laying in fresh, green manure. He'd always find the juciest gems and just roll around in them. I'd get to work and old Buck would be green from the knees down on all four legs. One day his entire belly was green, all four legs were blasted and somehow there was a lovely spot close to his whithers.
Old Buck had to bet blasted with water and scrubbed with a brush nearly every day I worked. We used gallons of horse shampoo.
All this to say, that shampoo is designed to remove mud, muck, manure and green poop stains from inelegant lumps like Buck. I'm guessing it's a bit too harsh for a tender human head.
no, its a myth and has very harsh ingredients in it to remove grease, heavy dirt from horses.
Horse shampoo CAN be drying for your hair, but is great for getting cheap, color specific shampoo.
There is shampoo for chestnuts (red hair), greys (silver/white), bays (black/brunette), and palominos (blonde)
Of course, it gives me a lovely shiney mane!
only if you nag your partner
Nay it worked alright on mane.
its good for making ur hair healthy but not longer. it will make ur hair reach its maximum growth.
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