Head and Shoulders works wonders! it moisturizes the scalp preventing dry scalp to begin flaking again.
clince plus also works well.
If u can use neem leavers past for 1 month every 3 day apply it u ll see result every soon .
hope so i helped u !!!How can I get rid of dandruff,What are the best shampoo's,are there any othor tricks?
shampoos work for time being.
other alternative natural methods to get rid of dandruff are:
Apply a mixture of almond oil and gooseberry juice with finger tips on the scalp.
Apply the warm mixture of olive oil, lemon juice and coconut oil. Do a steam -towel- wrap for 15 minutes and wash the hair with a shampoo. How can I get rid of dandruff,What are the best shampoo's,are there any othor tricks?
clinic all clear for men... it not only does help in removing dandruff but also prevents it from coming back.. i used it and it's just great.. but i suggest you that whatever shampoo you try, try it for a month or two.. if the condition doesn't improve, visit a good dermatologist who will suggest you a medicated shampoo specially for dandruff.. or else clinic all clear for men is awesome... give it a try..it'll surely work
If u need professional permanent solution, go for the Segals Solutions Program, now available in India. Only gentle organic stuff that is backed by research. Rare herbals, formulated in Canada by a qualified pharmacist, pH balanced.
Rest everything including Nizoral will get u only temporary results and will have harsh chemicals that will do other damage - to your hair root. These Heads %26amp; shoulders, Pantene, Clinic plus, L'Oreal, etc are commercial products and their claims are marke by conditional footnotes. Their ads give dramatised versions with fineprints. They are infact Surfactant based and contain sulfates that do more damage to your hair strand than any good, sooner or later. Simply Shun them.
Check out this guide and get rid of the confusion of which dandruff shampoo to use: http://www.associatedcontent.com/article鈥?/a>
Always remember to let the dandruff shampoo set on your scalp for three to five minutes, to let the active ingredient work properly.
Best of luck!
there is a really good mint shampoo and conditioner that you can find at hair salons, its in a green bottle. it smells really minty, and its good. for dandruff, its important to have a healthy and moisterized scalp.
Tar can reduce your sperm count and reduce erections. I have dandruff and have cured it by simply taking more showers. Used to be every few days because of my job-stepped it up to daily-cured.
i had dandruff too. so i went to the chemist and they gave me Himalaya Herbals anti-dandruff shampoo for normal hair and Himalaya Herbals Protein Conditioner. it will do its work in your second or third wash. It works like a charm.........
Head and Shoulders works wonders! it moisturizes the scalp preventing dry scalp to begin flaking again. You can purchase it at grocery stores, drugstores for $4.
Head and Shoulders works really well. I don't know about any types of tricks, but you may want to wash your hair more often to control it. You may want to contact your doctor if your condition worsens. Good Luck!
T- Gel is really good, the smell will make you gag but it works wonders.
Or there's always good old Head%26amp;Shoulders - works wonders and doesn't smell horrific!
Hope this helps :o)
head and shoulder is really good! you can try this.it will definetely help you.good luck!
use CANDID TV shampoo it is medicated shampoo
Clinic Shampoo
I second Chanel Lovers answer!!!
use glenmarks scalpe (medicated) works great!
A shampoo with tar in it helps..can't recall the name of it...smells like crap but it works..
you have to use head and shoulders , it really works!!!!!
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