she's about 10 weeks old.When can you first give a kitten with flea shampoo?
Just asked this for my new kitten last week. The vet said most shampoos are for 12+ weeks. You can get her Advantage for kittens, a topical liquid that kills fleas, starting at 9 weeks. I got it from the vet for $14 for a pack of three treatments (1/month).
Good luck!When can you first give a kitten with flea shampoo?
It is not adviseable to use such shampoo's on them. And if you do use the Advantage, be sure to put it on the back of the neck area so that the kitten can not lick it off. My kitten still found a way to get near the spot we applied it so I took a large coffee filter and cut a hole out of the middle. Then I put it over his head to act as an E-collar. We had one from my previous cat but no collar and it would have been way too large anyway. But the coffee filter worked just fine! Also, since my cats have always been very sensative to the smell, they suggested only applying half of the dose one day and then the rest the next day.
*my old cat used to go and roll in his litter box (that had clumping sand!) after a bath. We gave us since he them smelled of urine and had sticky sand all over.
use dawn dish soap
I don't know about flea shampoo, but the most effective treatment and allowed for her age is Frontline SPRAY (not the spot-on ampoules). Don't overdose her, don't put it on her face and don't let her lick herself before she is dry.
You shouldn't need to if the kitten does not have fleas. Just use a gently kitten shampoo if she is dirty!
We had a kitten that was 10 weeks old and infested with fleas when we got her. I gave her a flea collar and it gave her a stroak or something like that...the vet said the chemicals used made her brain miss fire and she was limp from the neck down for a half an please wait as long as you can! give your kitten atleast till he/she is 5 or 6 months old.
Most kittens do not need bathing, unless you are seriously preparing a kitten for showing at a cat show. Young kittens can chill easily, so great care is necessary to keep them warm until thoroughly dried.
But if you must... while bathing your kittens with a mild shampoo, such as a baby shampoo, might kill the fleas on the kittens, the fleas die by drowning. I don't really recommend any flea shampoo products, as the insecticides they contain may be harmful to cats of any age. I also do not recommend flea collars, sprays, or powders, for the same reason. They may be safe, but I wouldn't take the chance with my own cats, so I won't recommend them to others.
You really don't need to, Just go to your vet and get some advantage for cats and that will do the trick. It is good stuff!
well it depends on the brand, they vary. some say 8 some say 12. so just read directions. and apparently dawn soap and warm water and a small toothes comb work just fine (or so i'm told) !
I would go ahead and give her a bath. Fleas can carry parasites, just make sure you rinse her well.
Don't - when I got my kitten I just used a comb and I got them all out. Those flea shampoos are toxic.
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