It was on radio2. I haven't used shampoo for well over a year and my hair is better than ever.So its true that using shampoo and conditioner is bad for ur hair, i knew it, did anyone else?
ive noticed it too... whenever i dont wash it with those things it does its own thing, does not get tangled or anything... just curves naturally and it gets shiny, not like greasy shiny but clean shiny... i personally like shampoo but dont use it often because it makes my hair get in my face instead of curving to the left...
conditioner is worse...
i rinse my hair really well every shower (once a day)So its true that using shampoo and conditioner is bad for ur hair, i knew it, did anyone else?
if you havent been using shampoo, what have you been using??? i have never heard of such a thing, but im positive that NOT using shampoo is not exactly hygenic. gross. use shampoo. period.
uhhh i think you're mistaken.. shampoo and conditioner is good for your hair, whats bad is using it everyday. you're only suppose to shampoo and condition a couple times a week, so you do not overstress your hair....
eww, you don't wash your hair. I suppose it depeneds on how old you are, and what other products you use. But I mean not washing your hair leaves all teh dirt and stuff to collect in yuor scalp, and only washing with water dries out your scalp. I recommend washing you hair atleast once a week. Washing everyday removes oils that could be beneficial to your hair and scalp. As for people who say conditioner makes their hair greasy, do not smother your hair in conditioner only use a small amount and remember to wash it out, I had a friend who complained that conditioner made her hair greasy, turns out she didn't know you had to wash it out xD
what???? i've never heard that before, if you're not using shampoo in your hair and you're just using water then you are not washing you hair, shampoo cleans your hair, so if you just kept using water to wash your hair it would just look greasy all the time, ewww
if you have greasy hair use washing up liquid i'm not joking.
if you want crap looking hair then dont use shampoo ok.
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